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LifeCraft Academy

Learn Life Skills Through Play

LifeCraft Academy
Uni Workshop

About us

Our aim is to mentor a creative new generation that is thinking, equipped with life skills and ready for the challenges of adulthood. We are implementing a creative curriculum with school children that develops real life skills for real life. We develop children’s skills and personalities by translating life situations into children’s language and by modelling solution and value-oriented behaviours through games and interactive activities.

LifeCraft Academy
Uni Workshop

About us

Our aim is to mentor a creative new generation that is thinking, equipped with life skills and ready for the challenges of adulthood. We are implementing a creative curriculum with school children that develops real life skills for real life. We develop children’s skills and personalities by translating life situations into children’s language and by modelling solution and value-oriented behaviours through games and interactive activities.

Who is it for?


For students

A gyermekek izgalommal vetik bele magukat az új dolgokba, szívesen és észrevétlenül tanulnak. Erre a gyermeki képességre építve valósítjuk meg élménypedagógiánkat.

Életrevaló Akadémia Tanároknak

For lecturers

Our pedagogical and psychological team has built a unique curriculum & methodology based on WHO recommendations to support universities in developing life skills.

What we offer

  • Egy játékos, innovatív, komplex oktatási rendszert
  • Egyedi és izgalmas foglalkozásokat és érdekes játékokat
  • Professzionális segítséget a szülőknek és az iskoláknak az életre nevelésben
  • Elkötelezett, támogató szakmai közösséget

Learn l Life Skills Through Play


+36 70 674 2664


+36 70 674 2664

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